Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2019

All you need to know to raise awareness of ED’s this year


Each year in February, a whole week is dedicated to campaigning for awareness and support for those experiencing the mental health conditions we know as eating problems and disorders
This year, the focus of the campaign is that eating disorders do not discriminate. Although many of us are brought up to believe that eating disorders always take the same form and only affect certain kinds of people, the reality is that people of all ages, ethnicities, genders and backgrounds can, and do, experience eating disorders.
In fact, research published today by Beat has found that stereotypes about people who most commonly experience eating disorders are preventing BAME, LGBT+ and people from less affluent backgrounds from seeking and getting medical treatment.
When the right support and treatment is accessed, eating disorders are very treatable, and many people who experience them go on to make a full recovery.
Just like any other mental illness, it’s important to seek help, support and medical advice as soon as possible if you or a loved one exhibits any symptoms of an eating disorder. 

Source: Beat
Last year, our fundraiser Olivia told us how running for charity helped her overcome her bulimia diagnosis.

Running gives me a sense of release. I get completely lost in the moment when I run and I don’t worry or think about anything negative… In the future I want to run for those who have suffered – and still suffer – and spread the message that although it may feel like you are fighting the biggest battle alone, the best way to deal with it is to turn to friends, family and charities like Mind.

Read her full story here.

How to get involved this EDAW

Help spread the message that eating disorders do not discriminate by wearing your brightest socks all week long. Hold a fundraising day at your school or workplace, put up posters, or share your story online – whatever you do, make sure it’s in your loudest, proudest socks for those with eating disorders. Get inspired here!
Lobby Day in Parliament 
Want to talk to your MP about eating disorders? Join in the Beat Campaigns Team’s Lobby Day in Parliament on the 27th February. All details here.
Start a conversation
Learning about eating problems can empower you to speak about your own experiences, ask a loved one if they’re struggling, and to confidently give good advice and support. You can find out more through the links below: | Beat (the Eating Disorders Association) | NHS Choices


Looking for advice for yourself or a loved one? Get in touch with our Information Service.

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